Home movie news Full Recap Of The Hit CW Series; The 100 Season 7

Full Recap Of The Hit CW Series; The 100 Season 7

Full Recap Of The  Hit CW Series; The 100 Season 7

Every movie, television, and a literary story that involves the fantastic element inside must deal with two types of mythologies. One is inside the series and it constantly needs to be fed. Otherwise, the narrative line risks immobilizing itself on usual solutions. The second mythology is external: everything that can be included in the series and that could fuel the fire of spectacularism or burn what has already been implemented. “The 100” is no exception and its subject, as well as its seven-season journey, undergoes this dynamic. Started in 2014, the show ended a few months ago, on September 30th, 2020.

The 100 Season

After seven successful seasons, “The 100” ended with several twists and turns, and its fans were pleased by this conclusion. While some rumors, which are becoming increasingly almost certainties, about the existence of a spin-off prequel to “The 100”. Today we will try to tell you what we learned from the end of the series. Meanwhile, we wait for some news.


First, how does season 7 of “The 100” end? In the last episode of the show, titled “The Last War”, we discover that our protagonists will need to pass a test to understand whether they can transcend in infinity or not. After having succeeded in stopping a conflict that would have condemned mankind forever, finally, the “judges” decide that men are worthy of transcending, and they can freely choose between infinity and human life.

So, who did decide to transcend? The first of the group is Echo (Tasya Teles), then it is Levitt’s turn (Jason Diaz), then Jordan’s (Shannon Kook), and Hope’s (Shelby Flannery). Behind them, also most of the characters took the decision of transcendence, but they have left behind Clarke (Eliza Taylor), to whom it will not be possible to transcend: she failed the test. Even the daughter of Clarke, Madi (Lola Flanery) can do that despite death, as her conscience is intact.

The 100 Season

At the end of “The 100”? Clarke is left alone on Bardo? The answer is no. Clarke’s friends have decided to return to their human form, renouncing to transcend and together, with Clarke, return to live their lives on Earth. This is in summary the final of the series. However, it seems right to reflect on some characters that have accompanied us along the path even in season 7.

The 100 Season

Clark Griffin’s Story

How could we not talk about the main character of the show? Her story was devastating from the beginning and could not end differently. Clarke has lost the woman she loved long ago, her best friend and her daughter. We would have imagined any other horrible events, except that Madi could really remain in a vegetal state forever. Fortunately, she is transcended.

The 100 Season

John and Emori were happy and together in Murphy’s mind, and we want to believe that the group, Raven, in particular, will find a way to deal with the situation. Although they are not an effective couple, we could declare that this closure is the emblem of their story. They have always been defined as the “two survivors”, they wanted to be that, and in this last episode, we watched both their growth, and what they can do best, survive (even death).