Home movie news Godzilla vs. Kong : The Fierce Battle of Two Greatest Monsters

Godzilla vs. Kong : The Fierce Battle of Two Greatest Monsters

Godzilla vs. Kong : The Fierce Battle of Two Greatest Monsters

As the year 2021 kicks off, we expect some highly anticipated movies to be finally released. One of them is the most awaited monster movie of this year: Godzilla vs. Kong. The movie will release on HBO Max and in theatres on 26th March 2021.

The movie stars Alexander Skarsgår as Nathan Lind, Rebecca Hall, as Ilene Andrews. Moreover, the characters of Millie Bobby Brown Madison Russell) and Kyle Chandler (Mark Russell) from Godzilla: The king of monsters will also join this ultimate saga of kaiju monsters.

The movie’s final trailer was released on Sunday, 24th January 2021, and I can guarantee it will be one of the best monster movies of all time.

credit: Warner Bros.

In this article, we’re going to highlight what viewers can expect from the movie and talk about the released trailer in detail.

So, without further due, let’s jump into that.

Kong is the Last Hope of Humanity

In the trailer, Kong is seen tied up with chains and carried on a cargo vessel as if he’s being taken somewhere from his home: the skull island. Kong’s size in the trailer is much bigger than in the previous movie of Kong: Kong and the Skull Island.  It’s still a mystery that how Kong got bigger, but I am sure that will be revealed in the movie.

Moreover, before Kong brought on a freighter at the start of the trailer, a city collapses, and the citizens rush to get shelter in the subways as the buildings of the city go to waste.  After this, Nathan Lind, played by Alexander Skarsgård, states that Kong is the last hope of humanity. He is the only one who can save humans from annihilation.

What is Wrong with Godzilla?

Apparently, in this movie, Godzilla will turn against humans: which is surprising because, in previous Godzilla movies the kaiju, had seen saving humanity from other reckless kaiju monsters. But in this movie, Godzilla destroys human settlements and attacks them.

It is expressed, by Dr. Mark Russell and Madison Russell, that Godzilla has mysteriously gone out of control. This indicates it may be possible that the villain character from the movie Godzilla: King of monsters, Alan Jonah (Charles Dance), probably gained control over Godzilla, as he had the ambition to control the hidden kaiju monsters on earth.

While Godzilla being under the influence is a mystery in itself. Another strange thing can be noted in the trailer: Godzilla and Kong are the only kaiju monsters left on the planet.  This raises a question: where did the other monsters from the previous Godzilla movie go?

Kong’s Affection for a Human Child

Godzilla vs. Kong: An Old Rivalry or A New Inflicted War Between the Beasts
credit:Warner Bros

We’ve seen a bond between human characters and the ape in various King Kong movies.

Similarly, in this movie, Kong communicates with only one person who is Jia, an orphaned child that Kong has sworn to protect at any cost. For now, it’s unclear where Jia came from and who she is, but it can be assumed that she is from Skull Island.

 Moreover, Rebecca Hall mentions Jia’s adoption and a vow she took to protect Jia just like Kong. By this, we can figure that Jia will play a significant role in the movie. It’ll be interesting to see how Kong’s little friend contributes to the protection of humanity from Godzilla.

Godzilla Arrives

Godzilla vs. Kong: An Old Rivalry or A New Inflicted War Between the Beasts
credit:warner Bros

As the trailer continues further. Godzilla makes a furious and powerful entry. It moves towards a maritime convoy and destroys it easily by cutting the ship with its fins.

 Then, it rises from the ocean and moves towards attacking the military aircraft while shrugging off the bombardments and airstrikes from the rest of the military conveys.

Godzilla’s entry makes a statement that Godzilla won’t be an easy target for Kong. Kong will have to put in some real effort to bring down the mighty Godzilla.

Godzilla vs. Kong: Kong’s New Weapon 

Previously Kong had not been seen with a weapon, but this time, you’ll see Kong fighting Godzilla with his secret weapon: which has the power to face Godzilla’s signature atomic breath.

Indeed, the directors have worked very hard on both monsters’ characters, and each one of them is powerful. It will be intriguing to see which one wins this fight. My money is on Kong, though.

Godzilla vs. Kong: An Old Rivalry or A New Inflicted War Between the Beasts?

As highlighted by the characters of the movie, the war between Godzilla and Kong is not just a recent provocation. But it’s as old as millennia.

They’re also observed saying that the myths were true, and now Godzilla and Kong are the only survivors of that war. Hence, this is an old rivalry between both creatures., I can’t wait to see this mighty battle taking place in cinemas on the 26th of March this year.

Bottom Line:

Godzilla vs. Kong is epic monster mayhem releasing in March 2021. The movie trailer shows that the movie will be a full package for sci/fi lovers and for the people who are kaiju fans.

The two greatest monsters of all time will face each other. It will be one hell of a battle between the both. It’s still a mystery that which one is going to triumph or whether or not there is a concept for one monster to win this fierce fight.

 But we can still pick our favorite sides. Well, I am team Kong. What team are you in?