Home Tv news Octavia Blake: Had The Best Character Arc On The 100 Series

Octavia Blake: Had The Best Character Arc On The 100 Series

Octavia Blake:  Had The Best Character Arc On The 100 Series

Like it or hate it, but Octavia Blake’s character is the most interesting and maybe the most popular character of the 100 series. She debuted in the first episode of season one and went on till the final season, which makes her journey the longest compare to other characters.

Octavia blake

Early Life:

As per the Ark’s law, which prohibits the second child, Octavia is unique in the sense that she was an illegal second child to her mother, the first was Bellamy. Bellamy bestowed the child with the name ‘Octavia’, after the Roman emperor Augustus’s sister.

Octavia Blake was among the other one hundred teenage prisoners that were sent to the Earth. She was a prisoner due to being an illegal second child. Bellamy, the elder brother, was very protective of her.

Octavia blake


Lincoln- a grounder helped Octavia train in combat and they began the romantic relationship. Lincoln is the reason for the character development of Octavia. When Indra came to during the event of Mount Weather, Octavia’s character arc took one more turn, when she went on to become the second in command of Indra. 

She was trained by Indra, and got a named Skairipa meaning “Death from above”. She learned discipline and became a fierce warrior, fully transformed into a grounder.

When Lincoln was killed by Pike, Octavia’s heart turned to stone. She carried out assassinations and went on to do cold-blooded murder of Pike. She found a clan, named Wonkru.

octavia blake


When the underground bunker was the only place for survival due to radiation. Each clan has decided to put forth a companion and the winner will be decided to the fate of everyone left. Her fighting skills came into real use many times in her life, especially during the Conclave. Octavia went on to become the survivor and allowed 100 people of every clan to remained in the bunker and the rest been left out to in the radiation to die. 

Pictured: Marie Avgeropoulos as Octavia — Photo: Michael Courtney/The CW

Red Queen

This ruthless act is a stepping stone of Blodrenia (The Red Queen). Why Red Queen? in her words, “You are either with Wonkru or you are the enemy of Wonkru. Choose.” 

After six years in the bunker, there was no humanity left in Octavia Blake. From forcing people to fight till death to forced them to eat the flesh of a dead human. She even decided to kill every person in Eden (the last place on Earth with life). Octavia started believing that there will be no peace without war and war is the ultimate solution.


Octavia’s redemption began during the ten long years on the Sky Ring. While on the Sky Ring, Octavia tried to get back to Earth but failed in each of her attempts to even enter the bunker. Octavia bonded with Hope and Diyoza, gaining a new family as the only three people on the planet. So much time in a peaceful environment gave Octavia time to move forward from her past and gave her a new vision of life. 

Octavia- angel of peace:

When humanity needed someone to rise and stop an accidental final war, only Octavia had the courage, skill, alliances, and faith to make sure to job well done. An impressive arc for and classic character, Octavia Blake, is responsible for the human race to excel.


Octavia’s character has every shade, from being a naive girl to a fierce warrior to a ruthless leader to a harbinger of peace. Throughout the series, Octavia’s journey is not simple or direct.

How Octavia, a loving and caring person at the beginning, transformed into a vicious person is might be the highlight of the series. Octavia pushed herself to the limit before truly understand where she went wrong and how she could fair better.