Home Featured Scarlett Johansson’s Top 10 Highest Grossing Films of all Times

Scarlett Johansson’s Top 10 Highest Grossing Films of all Times

Scarlett Johansson’s Top 10 Highest Grossing Films of all Times

One of the most famous actresses to grace our screens in the 21st century, Scarlett Johansson, has seen her career jump from one high to the next. An essential part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe for the last decade, Scarlett Johansson has enchanted audiences everywhere with her irresistible charm and smile. We take a look at Scarlett Johansson’s Top 10 Highest Grossing Films of All Time in the list below.

scarlett johansson

10: Lucy (2014) – $458.8 Million

At number 10 of Scarlett Johansson’s Top 10 Highest Grossing Films of All Time is Luc Besson’s Lucy which sees Johansson play a party girl, who, after a drug overdose, transforms into a being with immeasurable power. Johansson brings both her charm and action prowess to the role as she plays a different kind of superhero to her MCU counterpart effortlessly. 

9: Iron Man 2 (2010) – $624 Million

Scarlett Johansson was introduced the the MCU

This was the film that introduced Johansson’s Black Widow to the world. Johansson makes a great first impression as a calculating and cunning Special Agent Natasha Romanoff deputed under Nick Fury to watch over Tony Stark himself. A stunning hallway hand-to-hand fight sequence in the film’s third act helps Natasha Romanoff stand out in the film. 

scarlett johansson

8: Sing (2016) – $638 Million

A star-studded cast voicing furry animals taking part in a singing competition to save a dying theatre, 2016’s Sing saw Scarlet Johansson lending her voice to the character of Ash in what is definitely one of select few times Johansson has chosen to do an animated film. 

scsarlett johansson

7: Captain America: The Winter Soldier 2014 – $714.4 Million

Considered the film that gave Natasha the most character development, Captain America – The Winter Soldier pairs Black Widow with Steve Rogers as they embark on a perilous quest to take down Hydra, which has stealthily embedded itself inside SHIELD. The film peels away many layers to Natasha’s complex psyche.

scarlett johansson

6: The Jungle Book (2016) – $966.5 Million

This classic from Rudyard Kipling got a much-needed CGI update in 2016 when Jon Favreau decided to reboot the property for the 21st century. The result is a fantastic action-adventure that pushes the boundaries of CGI, and Johansson’s role as the mysterious and seductive Kaa is fantastic, to say the least.

5: Captain America: Civil War 2016 – $1.153 Billion

With almost all Avengers present in the film, Captain America – Civil War greatly reduces Natasha’s role. Still, she manages to shine through, using her subversive wit and martial arts abilities to her advantage. Natasha’s tense meeting with T’Challa and her fight against Hawkeye at the airport cement her character as an essential part of the expansive universe. 

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4: Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015) – $1.403 Billion

Age of Ultron sees Romanoff going up against killer sentient robots. Although she is sidelined by the more powerful Avengers in this second outing, her arc gets a much-needed boost through her cautious romance with the Hulk Dr. Banner himself. 

3: The Avengers (2012) – $1.519 Billion

The Avengers saw Natasha Romanoff team up with Iron Man, Thor, and others to stop an alien invasion led by Thor’s half-brother Loki. Using subterfuge and wit, Romanoff holds her own against several characters way more powerful than her, and her relationship with fellow Avenger Hawkeye is also given much-needed emphasis in the film. 

2: Avengers Infinity War (2018) – $2.05 Billion

Infinity War saw Romanoff and Rogers run from authorities after Civil War as they sought refuge in Wakanda. Thanos crashes in Wakanda soon after, and both Black Widow and Captain America gather a handful of Avengers to prepare for Earth’s last stand. The battle goes awry, and although half of all life on Earth is extinguished, Romanoff survives to fight another day.

1: Avengers Endgame (2019) – $2.97 Billion

Placed comfortably at the crest of Scarlet’s Johansson’s Top 10 Highest Grossing Films of All Time is Avengers Endgame. A culmination of 11 years of Marvel movies, Endgame charted a sprawling adventure across both time and space as the Avengers fight a desperate battle to hold off Thanos’s inevitable victory. The film gave Romanoff much to do and her ultimate sacrifice to attain one of the infinity stones paved the way for the Avengers’ success later on.