Home Tv news The 100 | Everything that Proved Clarke Griffin Was a leader From Start to the End

The 100 | Everything that Proved Clarke Griffin Was a leader From Start to the End

The 100 | Everything that Proved Clarke Griffin Was a leader From Start to the End

The bright galaxy of the 100 has many star characters. But If you want to point at the star that has the heart, it may be the character of Clarke Griffin. Clarke Griffin is a lead that you succeed in falling in love from the very start, even before realizing what is going on. Throughout her journey on the 100, she is on a relevant path in a chaotic way.

Early Life:

Clarke Griffin was born and brought up on a space colony(arc) above the Earth. By profession, her mother was a doctor, and his father was an engineer. Like her mother, she wanted to pursue her career as a physician. Because of her parents’ exclusive status, Clarke was considered more fortunate than most other teens on the space station.

Leader with Bellamy 

She was held captive and sent to solitary confinement because she knew the Arc secret is running out of oxygen. She was among the 100 juvenile prisoners sent to the Earth to assess its habitability. Clarke serves as a leader of the group alongside Bellamy Blake. 

Commander of Death and A.L.I.E.

Among the Grounders, Clarke’s reputation spread, eventually gaining her the moniker of Wanheda, meaning the Commander of Death. As a fierce warrior, Clarke played a leading role in eliminating A.L.I.E., the artificial intelligence that caused the nuclear explosion that destroyed the world on Earth. 

To break A.L.I.E., Clarke entered the City of Light and pulled A.L.I.E.’s kill switch, but not before knowing that the nuclear power plants were on the verge of melting. In the process of eliminating A.L.I.E., Clarke lost her love interest, Lexa. 

Clarke as a Night blood and Madi

In the fourth season, Clarke cautioned everyone about the awaiting nuclear catastrophe. She tried hard to save people from death waves predicated by A.L.I.E. She even presented herself as a test subject and provided her bone marrow for the Nightblood serum experiment. Nightblood serum was believed to provide immunity against radiation.

When her group decided to go up to space through a rocket, Clarke was left behind saving her friend and suffered serious radiation poisoning due to radiation. She continued to live in a valley with another Nightblood, named Madi, whom she cared for.

In the sixth season, she tried hard to arrange for a home for her people with the moon Sanctum. This showed her deep care and affection for the people. But peaceful new life on Sanctum is disrupted by mounting tensions between various rival groups in the seventh season. 

Clarke and Cadogan

A despaired and vengeful Clarke killed Cadogan as he started the test to figure out whether the human race was worthy of transcendence or not.

After the humans achieved transcendence, Clarke is left behind due to her murder of Cadogan. She was joined by her surviving friends, all of whom chose to give up transcendence so that she wouldn’t be alone.

Clarke LGBT

Clarke has some love moments, flings, and partners. In season 2, she shared a kiss with Lexa, making Clarke the first LGBT lead on a show. It also made her one of the few bis leads on television. 


Principled, reliable, and strong-minded, Clarke is a natural-born leader. She often made the hard decision when nobody wanted to, she gave out both justice and mercy, and she did it all while being selflessly modest. 

It’s not possible to say that she always made the right decision in life. But what makes Clarke prominent is the indisputable way that she continues to make decisions keeping in the mind of people’s safety and what she considers to be the right choice in a tough situation.