Home movie news Top Five Most Anticipated Movie Releases of 2021

Top Five Most Anticipated Movie Releases of 2021

Top Five Most Anticipated Movie Releases of 2021

Postponements in the world of cinema have been the protagonists of this 2020. During the last century, this situation had never occurred, despite the many global events including the two world wars, which could prevent the release of films. Instead, a pandemic has happened. Without cinemas to accommodate big blockbusters, every distribution company has thought very well to postpone the most important projects, despite some exceptions, for example, “Soul” by Pixar or “Mulan” by Disney. Although the health emergency is still ongoing, some places in America and in many other countries have been able to reopen theatres. If 2021 will be a luckier year, cinemas will host us at some big movie dates. Below are the top five most anticipated movie releases of 2021 we should watch in theatres.

Dune – Denis Villeneuve 

Dune’s science fiction has always attracted great fascination among directors, from Lucas with “Star Wars”, to Denis Villeneuve with the adaptation of the homonym novel by Frank Herbert.    What we saw about the film so far was enough to intrigue us, especially thanks to two factors.     The first one is the very interesting cast that sees the young face Timothée Chalamet playing Paul, the protagonist. The other factor is certainly given by the director himself, Denis Villeneuve. Loved and hated, he is a director who likes few others, for example, Christopher Nolan has been able to do what is very important in the cinema panorama: to create a debate. Even today “Arrival” is one of the most important examples of science fiction cinema of the 2000s, with all the limitations it can have. We look forward to seeing it! It will be released on October 1st, 2021.

Godzilla vs King Kong – Adam Wingard

What more to say about the most anticipated clash of the Monster Movie field? Almost nothing. It will be released on May 21st, 2021 and will be directed by Adam Wingard, same filmmaker of “Blair Witch”. Everything can go very badly in this film, from the visual effects to the screen time of the two giants, and yet the curiosity to witness this legendary conflict of cinema is on our list of the most anticipated films.

The Eternals – Chloè Zao

She is the last winner of the Golden Lion at the Venice Film Festival with an intimate and, if it was not for the very famous Mcdormand, almost an anti-blockbuster film. Now we are going to see the director dealing with something opposite and actually, we do not know if she has that ability to work with a certain type of budget and production pressure. We are talking about Marvel, not a low-budget independent film. But we feel confident of one thing: her gaze at the world is really peculiar. We hope to see it also in “The Eternals”, which will be released on February 12th, 2021.

West Side Story – Steven Spielberg

Like for “Godzilla vs King Kong”, it is easy to understand why we are waiting for the new “West Side Story”. This reason has a name: Steven Spielberg. We are very curious to find out what he has changed about the world famous musical. It is a film that will certainly talk about itself for many years. We are on pins and needles, but it is still a long way off. It will be released on December 10th, 2021.

Matrix 4 – Wool and Lilly Wachowski 

Besides what we can guess from our expectation on the story, the remarkable cast and the visual effects, it is once again the look-side that intrigues us most. When they shot the first film, we used to talk about the Wachowski brothers. Now we will see the Wachowski sisters touch. How has their vision of life and of the world changed during the process that has seen them change gender?  We will discover it on December 22nd, 2021. These are the top five most anticipated movie releases of 2021. Stay tuned for more updates.