Home movie news WandaVision Season finale was Spectacular

WandaVision Season finale was Spectacular

WandaVision Season finale was Spectacular

We got to the season finale of WandaVision. Before exposing ourselves to analysis and reflections on the show, we believe it is necessary to discuss an important matter. Along with many mistreated genres like the rom-com, even the superhero front has its opponents. For example, Martin Scorsese. Those who have classified this current as devoid of profoundness, now we have the certainty they are wrong. WandaVision is the symbol of how you can combine different delicate issues: mental health, the actual role of women, and much more. All under the perspective of the superhero audio-visual product.

credit : Disneyplus

Storyline management: WondaVision

The biggest fear we had for this ending was related to the many storylines. There were Wanda and Agnes, Vision and his double, Bureau, Wanda and Vision as a couple. A huge narrative material. They have rightly opted for a 50 minutes episode to keep the line of history. Yet it was not enough. Although the final judgment is very positive, it is impossible not to notice the hurry with which everything happened. The Vision’s rebirth thanks to Bureau does not see a conclusion. Then there are the storylines of Darcy, Monica, the nature of her powers, and more. Everything remained unexplained or badly solved. 

Agnes vs wanda
credit: Disneyplus

They preferred to focus the episode on Wanda and Agnes. Leaving out the rest, we ask ourselves: how commendable has been the clash? So much! On two different levels: the first, of course, is on a physical one. You will see anything you can imagine two witches can do when they fight. On the other hand, it is based on a dialectic level.

Wanda vs Agnes, in WondaVision seasons final

Although Agnes might seem a negative and crazy character, actually she is not. From what she says and from her back story, we understand that she is a woman who can only abuse others. We can explain her behavior saying that she has no thirst for power, but she is afraid that someone can steal it from her. Let us remember she is a survivor of the witch massacres in Salem. Her enemy is Wanda, a woman who has great power, but she can’t handle it. In addition, she has already lost everything she had and she has very little with her. 

The two of them are much more similar than they may appear. Two women whose remaining power to act. Agnes probably never knew love. Instead, Wanda regrets it enough to create everything we saw. This fight will see Wanda understand how important it is to have awareness of her power.


From the very first trailer, it was already clear that we would have discussed a lot of WandaVision. First, because it was a Marvel product placed after the events of Avengers Endgame. Then because it looked like something never seen in its context. Definitely, it is not. In the superhero context, WandaVision is a product never seen before.

In addition to its uniqueness, Jac Schaeffer’s work has shown how important it is to have a feminine look to tell women. A very wise productive choice. WandaVision season finale will be remembered as one of the best superhero pop products ever. Not only on television but also in cinema. Not so much for its staging, but for a really refined script, which has been able to find a very deep intensity and insert great entertainment.