Home movie news WandaVision – The Season finale is getting closer.

WandaVision – The Season finale is getting closer.

WandaVision – The Season finale is getting closer.
credit : Disneyplus

Since the really first reviews about Jac Schaeffer’s TV series, we immediately praised one aspect. Despite being a product of the MCU, Wandavision was possibly accessible to everyone. Even by those who had never seen the Marvel Cinematic Universe. However, this aspect has clearly weakened. The importance of the past plays a key role in history. After that, despite the season finale getting closer, WandaVision remains one of the best products of 2021.

                                             Illusion is gone

credit: disneyplus

We have said in the last article that Wanda was widening the boundaries of her ideal reality. Some characters such as Darcy and many agents were involved in Wanda’s illusion. As previously, this new episode applies the sitcom filter, specifically the same adopted in “Modern Family”.                       “Modern Family” develops itself as a fake documentary, where the characters look and talk to the camera. Therefore, this episode acquires a double reading, really functional to the narrative sector.

What does it mean to look at the camera for an actor? It means to break the cinematic illusion. Wanda herself talks looking at the camera without filters, telling how she feels. In addition, this episode not only breaks the illusion through the assumption of the fake documentary, but it breaks Wanda’s illusion forever. It will be probably the last time we will see the sitcom filter. The last time for the fictional reality. Indeed, in the next episode, we will not find a new sitcom. The illusion has vanished.

How to get ready for the season finale in a risky way

In a television series, the last episode before the final one has almost always a precise role. To prepare the characters for the final confrontation. At the turning point. To do this you need to have all information, otherwise, the narrative lines risk overlapping in a disorderly way. The more narrative material you put into a single episode, the more you risk creating a mess. But Wandavision doesn’t care. 

This penultimate episode redefines a character somewhat ambiguous. It gives a complex storyline of which we know very little. Monica may have acquired some powers, but we don’t know what she’s capable of. Vision leaves back Darcy in the truck to head alone to help Wanda. The S.W.O.R.D. is preparing to attack with a new weapon called Vision, exactly, another one. Wanda will have to clash with the new villain. From this list of events, you understand that the end of the season risks a lot. If it does not have a very long timing, it risks debasing the narration leaving out some storyline. Or maybe it risks having big plot holes. It would be a shame for this remarkable series.


To date, Wanda is one of the best characters in the MCU. In the TV series, she gained value, but due to obvious reasons, she got little screen time. Now it is no longer so. Wanda is an incredible character. The most memorable one of this 2021. Of course, the year has just begun. The journey that she does, however, has no rivals in this recently started television season. Wandavision also proved to be a show capable of redefining each episode without losing the center of the narrative. 

The next episode will need to create a plot that concludes each storyline. It will be really difficult. There is a bit of concern because Wandavision needs a season finale worthy of its path. A path that will reach the year-end rankings of many newspapers.